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Vor Ort Termine & Ceremonies 

Here you can find the next planned group Breathwork Circles in your area.

I look forward to meeting you at one of these events.

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??.??.25 - 11 am

Breathwork Circle Ceremony Artemisia Kräuterhof, Stiefenhofen, Allgäu

In the picturesque, naturally bathed energy of the Allgäu, you will experience a unique inner journey together with like-minded people in the beautiful Artemisia Kräuterhof.

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??.??.25 - 11 am

Breathwork Circle Ceremony Artemisia Kräuterhof, Stiefenhofen, Allgäu

In the picturesque, naturally bathed energy of the Allgäu, you will experience a unique inner journey together with like-minded people in the beautiful Artemisia Kräuterhof.

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??.??.25 - 11 am

Breathwork Circle Ceremony Artemisia Kräuterhof, Stiefenhofen, Allgäu

In the picturesque, naturally bathed energy of the Allgäu, you will experience a unique inner journey together with like-minded people in the beautiful Artemisia Kräuterhof.

15.06.2025 - 13 Uhr 

Breathwork Circle Bonn,
Redwood Yoga - Dates available soon

Loslassen, reinigen, heilen, transformieren - gemeinsam im Circle mit Gleichgesinnten gehst du auf deine eigene innere Reise, die dich nachhaltig bereichern und verändern wird.


Would you like more information? Click here.

Breathwork Circle Bonn,
Redwood Yoga - Dates available soon

Erlerne die Nauli Atemtechnik des Yoga & erlebe deren transformative Kraft. Nauli ist eine traditionelle yogische Reinigungstechnik (Kriya), die Körper und Geist in Einklang bringt. 

ab Ende März buchbar. 


Would you like more information? Click here.


15.09.24 - 11 am

Fullmoon Breathwork Ceremony,
Online via Zoom

In this ceremony we use the power and energies of the full moon for deep self-knowledge, powerful change and new beginnings - from anywhere, right in your home.

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