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Verbindung, Leichtigkeit, innerer Frieden


      Breathe the way back to yourself !

Do you feel physically and mentally stressed, sensing that your daily routine is overwhelming you ?

Do you often have the feeling that something about you is not quite right, and you suppress your true feelings and sensitivity?

Do you tend to put your own opinion on the back burner, preferring to "swallow it, smile, and carry on."?

Do you feel somehow lost and dissatisfied with your current life, yearning for more ?

Do you want to finally show yourself as you truly are, without putting on masks, and desire to be understood, heard, and seen by those close to you ?

Do you long for more depth, meaning, and truth in your life, with a deep desire for more lightness, inner peace, and fulfillment ?

Are you tired of letting your life be determined by your fears, uncertainties, and self-doubts and do you want to confidently, clearly, and trustingly follow your own path ?

Do you want to release that inner blockage, let go of that old baggage holding you back, and live your authentic self, embracing your uniqueness so you can courageously walk your own path ?

Then I invite you -
on a deep journey into your inner world - back to yourself.
What if I tell you that the life of your dreams is just a few breaths away?


Because the most powerful tool for your personal growth has already been given to you since birth – are you ready to use it?


▹ You finally have the courage to go your own way - self-confident, full of clarity and trust.

▹ You can finally listen to your own inner voice and follow it without inhibition & doubt, no matter what others say.

▹ You stand by yourself 100% - you speak and live your truth , you show yourself as you are, completely authentically - there is nothing holding you back anymore.

▹ You suddenly attract people into your life who understand you and appreciate you for who you are.

▹ There is this feeling of finally having arrived at yourself .

▹ You find inner peace & happiness within yourself.

Freedom, Lightness, Fulfillment through Breathwork

Because the most powerful tool for your personal growth has already been given to you since birth – are you ready to use it?


Dear Amelie, you have ignited the spark in me and opened the door to a new vision of myself. Thank you for your intuitive impulses and the space you have opened up for me.

I'm looking forward to further sessions, a lot is already happening physically, a lot can go...thank you for being you.



Breathwork is so much more than the practice of different breathing techniques. Conscious connected breathing is a tool for a profound personal transformation.

The breath has been used for thousands of years as a holistic therapeutic approach to release trauma, tension and clogged-up energy on a physical, mental and emotional level.

Through an intensive breathing technique we move from the mind into the body - into an altered state of consciousness that allows us to look at and feel the past that is holding us back in certain areas of life, in order to then be able to let go of it and grow.

TO HEAL IT YOU NEED TO FEEL IT   - This creates space for something new, for growth, your truth and your authentic 

YOU & ME - 1:1 DEEP DIVE SESSION (individual)



Let yourself be guided by your breath into your inner world and utilize this precious gift bestowed upon you at birth for the transformation you long for.

I open up a safe and protected space for you, where you can let go and simply be, just as you are.

A space where you can explore, accept, feel, and recognize yourself in depth – letting go of what no longer belongs to you, what was never yours, and allowing what is meant for your life to enter. A life as you wish and desire it to be, full of trust, clarity, lightness, and inner peace.

1:1 individual breathwork session

This is what awaits you in the 1:1 session:

- Preliminary talk in which we look at where you stand and what topic you would like to work on

- guided breathwork - process 

- Integration talk

- WhatsApp support after the session

Investment in yourself: 
120 minutes: 150 euros - offline
                   120 Euro - online

YOU & ME - 1:1 DEEP DIVE SESSIONS (bundles)


in just 1, 2, or 3 months, you evolve into a new version of yourself - confident, powerful, and a magnet for your deepest desires and dreams.

Because the change you long for is just a few breaths away, and genuine, sustainable growth is meant to happen in steps and at your own pace.

I take you, with everything you bring, by the hand and provide you with a safe and protected space where you can let go and where you can discover for yourself what needs to be recognized -

1 month-guidance:
Recognize & Perceive

- 3 x breathwork 1:1
       399 € offline
       320 € online

2 month-guidance:
Letting go & Clarity

- 6 x breathwork 1:1
       660 € offline
       599 € online

3 month-guidance:
Higher self &  self-realization

- 9 x breathwork 1:1
        899 € offline
        599 € online

contact me for individual preference


Next Breathwork Ceremonies

Breathwork Circle 
Artemisia Kräuterhof
Dates are coming soon.


Breathwork Circle Redwood Yoga, Bonn

- 15.06.25 - 13 Uhr  
Bookings starting 2025

Private yoga lesson on request -
message me if you wish to be guided through a personal & individually costumised Yoga session according to your needs 

Du wünscht dir eine persönliche und individuell auf deine Bedürfnisse abgestimmte Yoga & Atem Stunde?


Nutze gerne das kostenlose Kennenlerngespräch & wir finden gemeinsam heraus, wie ich dich am besten unterstützen kann.

Fullmoon Online Breathwork Circle


Anytime and from anywhere, we breathe together in a group of like-minded individuals, but each person embarks on their inner journey, as unique as you are.

Your energy and what you bring shape the circle, and that's exactly how it should be. You are free to completely let go and just be who you truly are. Powerful transformations and inner growth unfold just the same - through your own breath.

Upcoming dates:
10.03.24 - 14:00 CET
14.04.24 - 11:00 CET
  12.05.24 - 11:00 CET  

Upcoming dates:

▻ 15.09.24 - 11 am CET

▻ 20.10.24 - 11 am CET

▻ 17.11.24
- 11 am CET

▻ 15
.12 .24 - 11 am CET

breathing ceremony, singing bowl, healing sounds

Solo ticket - 60 Euro

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3 ticket - 160 Euro

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Want to learn more?


For more information just send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Thank you very much!


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Deep connection to your True Self through Breathwork
Deep connection to your True Self through Breathwork
Deep connection to your True Self through Breathwork
Yoga - body, mind & spirit
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                            © 2021 by Amelie Felder

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