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Vor Ort Breathwork Ceremonies 

Here you can find the next planned group Breathwork Circles in your area.

I look forward to meeting you at one of these events.

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??.??.25 - 11 am

Breathwork Circle Artemisia Kräuterhof, Stiefenhofen, Allgäu
- Termine in Kürze verfügbar

In the picturesque, naturally bathed energy of the Allgäu, you will experience a unique inner journey together with like-minded people in the beautiful Artemisia Kräuterhof.

Du möchtest mehr Infos?  Hier entlang.

??.06.25 - 13 Uhr 

Breathwork Circle Bonn,
Redwood Yoga - Dates available soon

Loslassen, reinigen, heilen, transformieren - gemeinsam im Circle mit Gleichgesinnten gehst du auf deine eigene innere Reise, die dich nachhaltig bereichern und verändern wird.


Would you like more information? Click here.


15.09.24 - 11 am

Fullmoon Breathwork Ceremony,
Online via Zoom

In this ceremony we use the power and energies of the full moon for deep self-knowledge, powerful change and new beginnings - from anywhere, right in your home.

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